Getting Braces as an Adult

(from the website)

Many people associate braces with middle school, but getting braces as an adult is becoming much more common. Almost 20% of braces wearers are adults. This is mostly due to the rise of more subtle, less visible options like ceramic braces and  Invisalign.

Why do adults choose to get braces?

Teeth can shift with age – because of injury, a condition called tongue thrust, or natural growth – and some adults find that their previously straight teeth have become crooked and overcrowded. They may start experiencing jaw pain, having difficulty properly cleaning their teeth, or simply facing a smile they find unattractive.

Other adults get braces because they’ve always had crooked teeth, but their parents couldn’t afford to pay for braces when they were growing up. Finally, some people say they’re just finally getting around to it, or that they want straighter teeth for a new career.

Overall, many adults see braces as a worthwhile investment of a few awkward years in exchange for decades of straight teeth.

Click on the link below to read about Faith Hill and her choice for adult orthodontics…


 Get started toward a beautiful smile today!

We’re excited to tell you that Dr. Douglas McCartha now offers Invisalign Teen—the clear alternative to braces—now for teens! This revolutionary new product can straighten your child’s teeth without the hassle, discomfort, and embarrassment of traditional braces.

Invisalign Teen’s clear aligners are virtually invisible. Even better, they’re removable. This means teens can eat whatever foods they want, and brush and floss with ease! And, maybe best of all, they don’t involve any metal or wires, which can cause irritation. Invisalign Teen aligners are made from a lightweight plastic material, and they fit precisely on the teeth—almost like a glove.

Most teens have a non-stop lifestyle, and sometimes, they lose things. Including aligners! But with Invisalign Teen, that’s no problem. If you lose your aligner, just let the doctor know ASAP, and he or she can have a replacement sent to you quickly.

Invisalign Teen is clear, comfortable, and virtually invisible.

For more information on Invisalign Teen, contact Dr. McCartha today!



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